Continental Parsley

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Product Of Australia

Parsley is one of the most popular herbs in the world. It is a versatile ingredient that can be used in soups, salads, stews and dishes with meat, fish and tomatoes. It belongs to the same family as carrot, cumin and celery and has bright green leaves. You can also eliminate bad breath by chewing parsley. Parsley is typically available all year round.

Health Benefits

Parsley is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin K. It has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, improves blood circulation and can treat superficial wounds. 100g of parsley yields the following:

  • Vitamin A – 168% of DV
  • Vitamin C – 221% of DV
  • Calcium – 13% of DV
  • Iron – 34% of DV
  • Vitamin B-6 – 5% of DV
  • Magnesium – 12% of DV

Selecting tips

  • Choose fresh parsley over dried parsley where possible
  • Parsley should be vibrant green in colour, look fresh and free from yellowed leaves or signs of decay