Valencia Orange
Valencia Oranges are sweet and juicy and can be enjoyed in many ways. They are great for juicing but can also be cut into segments and eaten fresh or used in fruit and vegetable salads, compotes, or in desserts, pies and flans. Use juice and grated rind in cakes, breads, biscuits, sherbets, ice-cream and cake icings, or as a sauce for both savoury and sweet dishes. Available instore or online at Harvest Markets Booval when in season.
Health Benefits
Oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C, folic acid and dietary fibre.
100g of orange yields the following:
- Calories – 47
- Total Carbs – 4% of DV
- Protein – 0.94g
- Dietary Fibre – 10% of DV
- Vitamin A – 4% of DV
- Vitamin C – 89% of DV
- Calcium – 4% of DV
- Iron – 1% of DV
*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.
Selecting tips
Choose firm, glossy fruit that are heavy for their size, which is indicative of good juice content. While a bright orange skin colour is certainly attractive, it is not a sure guide to quality. Oranges having a partially green peel are just as juicy and sweet.
Avoid puffy, spongy or shrivelled oranges, which are light in weight, lacking juice and of poor quality. Decay is indicated by soft surface areas, which may also be slightly discoloured.
Decaying oranges emit relatively high amounts of ethylene therefore storage with ethylene-sensitive products such as bananas should be avoided.
Storage: Store at room temperature or in the refrigerator crisper.
Product Of Australia